
Integrated management plan for the conservation of EMYS ORBICULARIS

The Life URCA Pro Emys project foresees an Integrated Management plan by 2023, with the aim of preserving the E. orbicularis species in Italy and Slovenia by defining principles and concrete actions. The project will involve all the experts dedicated to the study and conservation of Emys orbicularis.

Entro il primo anno, il Piano sarà invitato localmente da tutti i siti italiani e sloveni coinvolti nel progetto, garantendo un coordinamento omogeneo nella salvaguardia di E. orbicularis.

By sending us your observations and studies, you will contribute to the creation of the integrated management plan.

Contribute to the project

Join the dedicated space to participate in the construction of the Integrated Management Plan.

How to log in?

Request access to the reserved area or, if you are already enabled, enter the password that was sent to you by mail.

On our Google Drive you will find folders dedicated to the different parts of the Plan:

1) Habitat restoration

2) Control and/or eradication of alien species

3) Population reinforcement (restocking)

4) Breeding and maintenance centres of Emys Orbicularis

5) Identification of suitable areas for restocking – criteria and list

Habitat restoration

Control and/or eradication of alien species

Population reinforcement

Breeding and maintenance centres

Identification of suitable areas for restocking - criteria and list