[16 June 2023] About ten young individuals, reproduced and bred in a controlled environment, were released in some Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) of the Albenga Plain in Liguria
[5-6 June 2023] Two training days were held at Corte Ospitale in Rubiera and in the Nature Reserve of Fontanili di Corte Valle Re in Campegine, addressed to technicians and staff of the protected areas, with a special focus on the managing bodies of the Natura 2000 network sites where pond turtles lives, such as ecological guards, park rangers, technical staff and collaborators; then environmental volunteer operators and other subjects active in the area
[12 May 2023] At the WWF oasis of Bosco Pantano di Policoro (MT) 20 volunteers and technicians from the Natura 2000 areas took part in an information day to learn the techniques and procedures needed to monitor the presence of pond turtles and to capture alien species.
[12-13 April 2023] At the Acquario di Genova and the Emys Centre in Leca di Albenga (SV), the first of a series of training and discussion events was held to discuss different approaches to the breeding and restocking of Emys orbucularis into the wild, in order to promote its conservation and reduce its decline.
[10-11 November 2022] With the first partnership meeting, held at the Acquario di Genova, the LIFEURCA project has been lunched