(URgent Conservation Actions pro Emys orbicularis in Italy and Slovenia)

Presentation of the Integrated Management Plan for the conservation of Emys orbicularis

Wednesday, 20 December 2023 10:00 a.m. ‐ 1:30 p.m.
Spazio Europa
Sala Conferenze della Rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione europea
Via Quattro Novembre, 149 ‐ ROMA

The Plan aims to improve the conservation status of Emys orbicularis in Italy and Slovenia ‐ maintaining the genetic diversity of existing populations ‐ and to promote a cross‐border management model for the species. The Plan will be adopted by the Natura 2000 Sites involved in the Project.


10:00 ‐ Institutional welcomes – Luciano Di Tizio (Presidente WWF Italia), Andrej Bibič (Slovenian Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning)

10:30 ‐ A Plan for the Conservation of the european pond turtle ‐ Marco A. L. Zuffi (Università di Pisa)

10:45 ‐ Habitat restoration for the european pond turtle – Andrea Agapito Ludovici (WWF Italia)

11:00 PAUSE

11:10 ‐ Genetic analysis for proper planning of actions to reinforce natural populations ‐ Sara Fratini (Università di Firenze)

11:25 ‐ The containment of allochthonous pond turtles – Fabrizio Oneto (CESBIN)

11:40 ‐ Ex situ breeding of Emys orbicularis for the reinforcement of natural populations: management standards and veterinary protocol ‐ Guido Gnone (Costa Edutainment)

11:55 ‐ The conservation of Emys orbicularis in Slovenia – Ana Tratnik (Krajinski park Ljubljansko barje)

12.10 PAUSE

12:20 ‐ Superior Institute for Environmental Protection and Research ‐ Piero Genovesi

12:35 ‐ Intervention: Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security ‐ Ernesto Filippi

12:50 PAUSE


13:30 ‐ LUNCH

The event is hybrid (in presence and remotely) with simultaneous translation

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